Moving? Don’t Forget the Tea!

Tea Blog

Spring is historically a time of year when people think of deep cleaning their house or, better yet, selling it and moving to a new house. If you’re undertaking that latter option, that is, moving to a new abode, don’t forget to take some tea along for the ride. Moving can be a very thirst-inducing activity. Trust me, been there, done that.

For you bottled tea drinkers, the solution is simple: stock up. Duh!

The rest of us need to put forth a bit more effort. That can be as simple as carrying along a package of your favorite tea to as complicated as toting your Tea Princess Kit, your gongfu tea time equipage, or a whole box of everything for tea time, including an electric tea kettle and some jugs of water.

For a Fairly British Style Moving Tea Arrangement

Being one who relishes her Assam tea, steeped a…

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